Safina Alessandra
Safina Alessandra grew up in Switzerland where she had the privilege of being part of the vibrant Waldorf Community in Zurich. Her deep wish to understand the developing child led her to work, study and teach at Camphill Schools, a residential Waldorf school for children with disabilities in Chester County PA, for 14 years. There, her two sons attended and graduated from the Kimberton Waldorf School. Ms. Alessandra has spent the last 10 years widening her understanding of and experience in education first through working as a Kindergarten assistant, then through taking various roles within the Visiting Students Program at Hawthorne Valley Farm, and lastly through completing her BS in Early Childhood and Childhood Education at SUNY New Paltz. After receiving her NYS teacher certification, and prior to taking her current position at Berkshire Waldorf School, Ms. Alessandra taught math and language arts to elementary and middle school students as a private tutor and was part of a team of teachers supporting a student with autism.