News & Events
Back to School
Berkshire Waldorf School came back to school on an early Fall day just the way we like it, crisp in the morning and sunny for the Rose Ceremony. First through Eighth Grade students start school the Wednesday after Labor Day. Right on cue, temps in the Berkshires dropped to low 40s in the morning. Students, […]
Slow Parenting with Teacher Helle Heckmann
Thursday, May 2 at 5:30 p.m., pioneering Early Childhood teacher and author Helle Heckmann presents “Slow Parenting,” a talk based on her book of the same name and her experience as the founder of Nokken, a Waldorf program in Copenhagen, Denmark which she developed for children from ages one to seven. Helle has spoken to teachers and caregivers in 50 […]
Spring Events for Families
In the merry month of May, Berkshire Waldorf School invites the greater Berkshire community to two Spring events, May Day and “Slow Parenting” with teacher Helle Heckmann.
Sharing the Solar Eclipse with Young Children
Sharing the solar eclipse with young children offers a rare opportunity to help your child feel safe and grounded, even when something extraordinary happens.
Woman’s History Month: The Three Mothers
Behind every great man, is a great…mother. Much has been written about Berdis Baldwin’s son James, about Alberta King’s son Martin Luther, and Louise Little’s son Malcolm. But virtually nothing has been said about the extraordinary women who raised them. In her groundbreaking and essential debut The Three Mothers, scholar Anna Malaika Tubbs celebrates Black motherhood […]
Meet Our First Grade Teacher
Wonderful news! Mabel Albert will be the First Grade teacher for our 2024-25 First Grade. Join us WED, February 14 @ 8:30am for a special Valentines Day coffee to meet Ms. Albert, Class Teacher for the Class of 2032, and learn more about learning your child will LOVE! We’ll discuss the First Grade curriculum, and […]
Dr. King and the BWS Star Code
Do you know we learn from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s legacy throughout the year at Berkshire Waldorf School? Not just this month but every day, our unique teaching tool, the BWS Star Code, is a visual reminder posted throughout the school of our community values based on Dr. King’s work, and a practical […]
Great Barrington Proclaims Hilda Banks Shapiro Community Day
The legendary Hilda Banks Shapiro, Berkshire treasure and one of Berkshire Waldorf School’s founding parents, has been honored posthumously with her own Community Day. Read in the Berkshire Eagle.
The Season of Light
The approaching Winter Solstice ushers in Berkshire Waldorf School’s Season of Light, a month of celebrations and festivals.
PIE! Parent Info Events START 11/29
PIE (parent info events) provide insight, education and community for the grownups at Berkshire Waldorf School. Join us!