2025-26 Tuition Information
Education is one of the most important choices you will make for your child. Its value extends far beyond the classroom, determining both your child’s and your family’s experience over a lifetime.
As a nonprofit independent school, our mission is to make a Berkshire Waldorf School education accessible to as many children as possible. Further, we are committed to building a diverse, inclusive school community that provides a rich and rewarding experience for all.
Berkshire Waldorf School’s exceptional academics, accessible tuition and generous financial aid express our mission to help create the world we want to live in. We look forward to partnering with you to support the healthy growth and fulfill the innate potential of your child or children.
Grades 1-8 Tuition
The 2025-26 yearly tuition for Grades 1-8 is $25,770*
Children who are 6 years old by September 1, 2025 are eligible for First Grade. Tuition for grades 1-8 includes the full school day, 8:15a-2:50p. Aftercare is available for a separate fee from 3:00p-5:15p on school days.
*Program Fees There is a program fee in grades 1-8 to cover the cost of curriculum-based overnight trips, field trips and/or other class incidentals and supplies. Grades 4, 7 and 8 have higher fees to compensate for longer overnight trips. Fees are placed into a class account and are used to pay the cost of field trips, overnight trips and other incidentals or supplies to reduce or eliminate the collection of money by the teacher or class representatives throughout the year. Any unused funds at the end of the year stay with the class to go towards future class needs. The following fees listed by grade are in addition to tuition.
Grades 1 and 2: $150
Grades 3, 5 and 6: $250
Grade 4: $750 (includes Farm Trip)
Grade 7: $750 (includes Camp Glenbrook Trip)
Grade 8: $800 (includes partial cost of 8th Grade Trip – class fundraising covers remainder of the cost)
Early Childhood Tuition
Depending on whether you choose the four or five day option, and whether your child attends for the full day program or mornings only, 2025-26 yearly tuition for Early Childhood (Toddler, Nursery and Kindergarten, ages 18 months-6 years old) is as follows :
5 Full Days* (Monday – Friday) $22,280
5 Mornings (Monday – Friday) $17,825
4 Full Days (Monday – Thursday) $19,330
4 Mornings (Monday – Thursday) $15,465
Full days are 8:15a – 2:45p and Mornings are 8:15a – 12:00p. Four day option runs Monday-Thursday.
*We highly recommend that children who will be 6 by September 1, 2025 attend 5 full days of kindergarten for the year before they go to first grade.
If children of this age choose not to enroll for 5 Full Days, they will automatically be enrolled in our Spring ‘First Grade Ready Fridays’ program. This special Friday program takes place in the last weeks of school during rest time and is exclusively for Rising First Grade aged children. Group activities with their future classmates are designed to prepare them for the next phase of their development and education.
We determine student placement for Kindergarten, Nursery & Toddler classes based on age and the most beneficial placement for your child and the class.
True Cost Tuition
Tuition alone doesn’t cover the complete cost of educating a child at Berkshire Waldorf School, where the school provides most school supplies. Since we rely on fundraising efforts to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and operating costs, we ask families who are able to make an additional tax-deductible contribution of $3,000 per student for the grades, and $2,000 per student for Early Childhood, toward the true cost of educating their children.
Payment Plans
As the final step in the admissions process, you will secure your child’s spot in their class by completing your family agreement. A 10% deposit of the annual tuition cost is due at this time, and applies to the total annual tuition. Families have the option to pay the remaining tuition in one, two, four or ten payments over the course of the academic year. For multi-pay options, installment fees apply.
Tuition Support
While we expect each parent to take primary responsibility for financing their child/ren’s education, as an investment in your child/ren’s future and the future of our world, BWS partners with families who may need support.
Click below for more details.
Parent Child Garden
For Parent-Child Garden (newborn to age 3+, accompanied by a parent or guardian), BWS partners with former Early Childhood Master Teacher Somer Serpe. For rates and details, visit Somer’s website, Harmonious Child.
For questions about Admissions, Tuition or Tuition Support, please reach out to the BWS admissions office any time at admissions@berkshirewaldorfschool.org or call Admissions Director Robyn Coe at 413-528-4015 ext.106.