Woman’s History Month: The Three Mothers
Behind every great man, is a great…mother. Much has been written about Berdis Baldwin’s son James, about Alberta King’s son Martin Luther, and Louise Little’s son Malcolm. But virtually nothing has been said about the extraordinary women who raised them. In her groundbreaking and essential debut The Three Mothers, scholar Anna Malaika Tubbs celebrates Black motherhood […]
Dr. King and the BWS Star Code
Do you know we learn from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s legacy throughout the year at Berkshire Waldorf School? Not just this month but every day, our unique teaching tool, the BWS Star Code, is a visual reminder posted throughout the school of our community values based on Dr. King’s work, and a practical […]
Great Barrington Proclaims Hilda Banks Shapiro Community Day
The legendary Hilda Banks Shapiro, Berkshire treasure and one of Berkshire Waldorf School’s founding parents, has been honored posthumously with her own Community Day. Read in the Berkshire Eagle.
Looking forward to the Grades!
Come learn more about the next eight years of your child’s education at this special event on November 22, where we’ll discuss the transition to First Grade and beyond at BWS.
Celebrating Black History
As we honor Black History Month in February, BWS is thrilled to be taking part in a webinar conversation with New York Times bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi (How to be an Antiracist). This program is sponsored by the Association of Independent Schools in the Northeast (AISNE), one of our school accrediting bodies. 95 independent […]
BWS Winter Plan 2020/21
The Berkshire Waldorf School is pleased to share our plan for the winter term, which begins for students on January 11 and extends through March 19. It is a 9 week term with a mid-winter recess. We are confident that this plan will sustain a range of possible challenges coming in the winter months. Be sure to check […]
Greetings, all my relatives
In honor of First Nations Day, and to begin the work of truth and reconciliation, we want to acknowledge that our school is on the traditional territory of the Muhhekunneuw (Mohican) Nation, the people of the flowing waters, whose territory originally ranged west beyond the Muhheakantuck (Hudson) River, the “river of tides,” from which they take […]
BWS Reopening Health & Safety Plan
Dear Berkshire Waldorf School Families, Thank you to everyone who attended our Health & Safety Town Hall meeting. We are grateful to our Medical Advisory Panel for their dedication to the well-being of our school and local community. We are also grateful to our entire BWS community as we continue this journey together. For those […]
Berkshire Waldorf School Distance Learning Bridges Social Distancing
Imbue yourself with the power of imagination, Have courage for the truth, Sharpen your feeling for the responsibility of the soul. Rudolf Steiner inspired the first Waldorf teachers with this verse over 100 years ago, and it’s helping our teachers stay true to Waldorf education values—even while they adapt to the sudden and dramatic challenge […]
10 Tips for Distance Learning
Keep a sense of the rhythm of the school day, based on Steiner’s concept of weekly/daily rhythm. Change out of pjs and dress for the day, to begin main lesson in the morning. Progress to downtime, reading or quiet time at midday, then outside time, games and projects in the afternoon. Focus on keeping bedtime […]