Spring Events for Families

In the merry month of May, Berkshire Waldorf School invites the greater Berkshire community to two Spring events for families, May Day and “Slow Parenting” with Helle Heckmann.

May Day

On May Day, Wednesday, May 1 at 11:00 a.m., spectators are invited to join the colorful festival of May Day with all the trimmings, including singing, dancing, music, flower crowns and an authentic Maypole, to shake off the last vestiges of winter and welcome summer in the Berkshires. Free. On the Maypole Green at the school; parking adjacent. Rain or shine. Blankets and picnics encouraged.

Kindergartners heading to the May Pole Green on May Day.

Slow Parenting with Helle Heckmann

Thursday, May 2 at 5:30 p.m., pioneering Early Childhood teacher and author Helle Heckmann presents “Slow Parenting,” a talk based on her book of the same name and her experience as the founder of Nokken, a Waldorf program in Copenhagen, Denmark which she developed for children from ages one to seven. Helle has spoken to teachers and caregivers in 50 countries, who share an interest in providing a healthy, nourishing environment for their children. In the school auditorium. Adults only. $10 suggested donation at the door.

We look forward to celebrating Spring together!