The beautiful old timber frame barn where the school began is now a 1,000 square-foot library at the heart of our lower school building. Classrooms for first through eighth grades, handwork and woodworking studios, a music room, the auditorium and a resource room are also housed in the main building.
The Early Childhood Center contains five sunny kindergarten classrooms for the Parent/Toddler Circle, Nursery and mixed-age Kindergarten programs. There is an outdoor basketball and handball court, and athletic playing fields surround the school. Our classrooms are full of light and color, and our buildings are set on twenty acres of open and wooded land bordering the Green River.

Outdoor Classroom
The Berkshire Waldorf School classrooms extend out into gardens, fields and woods. School buildings are uniquely sited on the verge of a hay field on the Lower School side of the 32-acre campus, and adjacent to a farm on the Early Childhood side, bounded by the Green River.
Berkshire Waldorf School is an “all-weather school.” Most classrooms have an “out” door to the outdoors, and the children in Early Childhood through the grades run outside several times a day in all Berkshire weather. In the Lower School, grades children are fortunate to have two recesses a day plus weekly games classes in the “big backyard;” preschool and kindergarten children explore woodland paths and Tree Island every day. Spring and summer’s wide meadows become broad fields for cross-country skiing on snowy days, and elementary and middle school students go to nearby Lake Mansfield to ice skate for recess when it is very cold.
The Green River provides opportunity for fun and learning, from science experiments to botany explorations, and our biodynamic gardening program, centered around learning and pollinator gardens as well as a three-season greenhouse, is woven throughout the curriculum, from pre-K right through the grades.
Middle schoolers regularly see wild turkeys gleaning the cornfield near the woods, completely unconcerned by the soccer game going on in the foreground!
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