Grades 1-8
Each child begins the school day with an individual greeting and a firm handshake from the class teacher. The atmosphere at the school is warm and supportive, and our standards and expectations are high. We encourage students to look for the best in themselves and in others in a manner that leads to a purposeful life.
Class Teacher
In a Waldorf school, the Class Teacher typically leads his or her class for several years in a row, often from first through eighth grade, and is thus able to guide each child’s progress from a deep awareness of that child’s individual gifts and challenges. The class teacher is also able to bring continuity to the curriculum, unifying the various disciplines over the years. Working with new subject matter at every grade level refreshes and inspires class teachers. Every September the material is new, and their students are one year older, presenting a whole set of new challenges, gifts and discoveries. Teachers stretch and grow with their students, creating a dynamic context for learning.
Main Lesson
Students begin every day with the two hour Main Lesson, a three- to four-week block covering a major academic subject intensively. Each subject is brought to life with stories, music, expository writing, poetry, painting, drawing, and drama.
Main Lesson Books
Students create their own Main Lesson Books, amplifying, condensing, restating and illustrating their studies. These colorful, very individualized books are made with great care by the children. They are not only a record of what has been studied, but an active method of inquiry, increasing the students’ capacities for creativity and for knowledge.
For admissions information about current or upcoming school years, please call the Berkshire Waldorf School Admissions Office at (413) 528-4015, ext. 106. You’ll find our academic calendar on our home page, and application and tuition information on our Admissions page.
Curriculum by Grade
Grade 1

Main Lesson: Introduction to the alphabet, simple spelling, introduction to reading, elements of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fairy tales and nature stories from many cultures (retold and dramatized by the class), form drawing, painting.
Subjects: German, eurythmy (movement), handwork (knitting), music, physical education (games), farming and gardening.
Grade 2

Main Lesson: Spelling, reading, introduction to elements of grammar, arithmetic (multiplication tables), fables and legends (retold and dramatized, leading to composition in the child’s own words), form drawing, painting.
Subjects: German, eurythmy (movement), handwork (knitting, crocheting), woodwork, music, library, physical education (games), farming and gardening.
Grade 3

Main Lesson: Spelling, reading, elements of grammar, introduction to cursive writing, arithmetic, measurement, study of housing and farming, Old Testament stories (leading into history), form drawing, painting.
Subjects: German, eurythmy, physical education, music (strings), library, handwork (simple sewing, crocheting, embroidery), games, farming, and gardening.
Grade 4

Main Lesson: Composition, grammar, spelling, reading, arithmetic (fractions), local geography, the study of mankind in relation to animals, telling of Norse myths and sagas, form drawing, painting. Farm trip to working farm.
Subjects: German, eurythmy, music (strings), woodworking, library, physical education (games), handwork (embroidery, cross stitch), farming and gardening.
Grade 5

Main Lesson: Composition, grammar, spelling, reading, arithmetic (decimals), North American geography, history of ancient civilizations (culminating in Greek history), botany, form drawing, painting.
Subjects: German, eurythmy, music (ensemble), woodworking, library, physical education (games), handwork (knitting with four needles), farming and gardening.
Grade 6

Main Lesson: Composition, grammar, spelling, literature, arithmetic, geometry, South American geography, Roman and Medieval history, physics (sound, light), earth sciences, painting.
Subjects: Spanish, eurythmy, music (orchestra), woodworking, library, physical education (games), handwork (sewing original stuffed animals), farming and gardening.
Grade 7

Main Lesson: Composition, grammar, spelling, literature, geometry, algebra, European geography, Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Discovery, physics, astronomy, inorganic chemistry, physiology. Class trip to Camp Glenbrook.
Subjects: Spanish, eurythmy, music (orchestra and chorus), woodworking, library, Cyber Civics, painting, physical education (games), handwork (dyeing and wool felting), farming and gardening. After school sports in soccer (fall), basketball (winter), lacrosse and baseball (spring).
Grade 8

Main Lesson: Composition, grammar, literature, geometry, Algebra I, world geography, American history, physics, organic chemistry, physiology. Class trip before graduation.
Subjects: Spanish, eurythmy, music (orchestra or recorder and chorus), woodworking, library, Cyber Civics, painting, physical education (games), handwork (machine sewn garments), farming and gardening. After school sports in soccer (fall), basketball (winter), lacrosse and baseball (spring).
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